
The school year starts for students tomorrow. As a career middle school teacher and administrator, this will be the first time I formally work with high schoolers. I am eager to learn from and with these upper school students.

Today I heard from my high school English teacher. She and I are “friends” on Facebook, but have never messaged each other. Yesterday, I decided to comment on a picture and share gratitude for the impact she had on my learning. Today she wrote back. She mentioned a poem I wrote over 20 years ago. It had placed first in a Kentucky high school writing contest. She even remembered the typeface I used, a delicate font that matched the tone of the poem. My heart swelled and I smiled at the screen. I had forgotten all about that poem, and the person I used to be. I was the sixteen-year-old who took great joy in English class. I labored over rough drafts and waited eagerly for feedback from teachers about my writing. Written expression was a strength of mine and teachers that took an interest in that strength made me feel confident and sure-footed, in both my studies and my future. I thought I might be an author one day.

Mrs. Bell’s comment reminds me how important it is to notice and appreciate the strengths in others – how it fills us up and encourages us to go further and faster. This is not to say we should never work on our weaknesses. (After all, I did have to pass chemistry.) But noticing and appreciating strengths is essential to build agency and confidence in learners of all ages.

I will keep Mrs. Bell’s comment with me as I start this school year. It will remind me who I was and who I want to be for others this school year and beyond.

Thank you, Mrs. Bell.


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