New Beginnings

Six days ago my family and I moved from Pasadena, CA to Oak Park, CA.

Four days ago I started work as a new school after fifteen years at my old school.

And today I am writing my first blog post in years, attempting to sift through all the information and ideas that are swimming through my head. Because my brain is full and my body is tired but I am oh, so inspired.

I know what you are thinking, "Inspired? Really? C'mon, now. You mean overwhelmed."

Well, yes, overwhelmed. But overwhelmed by wonderful, new ideas and clever, lovely people who are excited to experiment and connect and wonder and think and do. And what greater gift is there to a school's first Chief Innovation Officer, whose very job is to encourage, manage and support the process of growth and change?

I believe that learning and change are lifelong constants that individuals and institutions must embrace. And I am embracing the heck out of this change.

It reminds me of a quote by Amy Poehler in her hilarious book Yes, Please.

"Your ability to navigate and tolerate change and its painful uncomfortableness directly correlates to your happiness and general well-being...If you can surf your life rather than plant your feet, you will be happier."

Surf's up, let's do this.


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